Procedures for storm closures

Cancellations due to storms

Any time there is discussion about closing due to inclement weather, the Council Chair or designate will communicate with the presiding Minister by 8:30 AM on the date of the service in question. If required, the Chair of Property and Maintenance will be consulted. Road and weather conditions at the time the decision is being made, and the forecast over the next several hours will be considered. Remember sometimes streets and visibility are better in the city than in outlying areas. The decision to attend church on questionable weather days is, of course, the personal decision of each Community of Faith member. We want everyone to feel safe. 

If the decision is made to cancel the service, the office administrator will be notified. Provided she has electricity, by 9 AM she will have changed the voicemail message at the church office to indicate there will not be a service on that date (855-5771); updated or arranged to have updated the website with a storm closure message ( and sent email messages to all members of the Community of Faith who have provided an email address to the church office. 

The Communications Chair will contact the local radio stations and CBC storm centre and update the Facebook page for the church (all of which can be accessed on-line).

Questions on this procedure should be directed to the Council Chairperson.

© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771 | All Rights Reserved