COVID - 19

Over the past week, we have been carefully monitoring updates provided by the Federal and Provincial Government concerning managing the risk of spreading the Coronavirus. We have decided to not hold Sunday services this Sunday (March 15, 2020), are asking mid-week groups to not meet and have postponed the upcoming meeting of Council scheduled for March 19th. In addition to Craft and Art Group, the scheduled Pastoral Care Committee and other meetings, this regrettably also includes Lunch With Friends on March 19th and the Memorial Hymn Sing for the 20th.

We will be suspending visitations to care homes and the homes of seniors and hospital visits except for critical and palliative cases.

Social distancing does not mean faith distancing and Church continues in many fashions. It still means showing love and concern for others in your family, to your friends and people all over the world. Remember them in your prayers. Rather than visit in homes and at hospitals, send a note or give a call to check in. Practice good self care. And remember that despite this world-wide concern, we have much for which to be thankful. 

Updates on services and activities will be posted on Facebook and on the church website. Rev. Stuart, as he is able, will record messages on the church website so stay tuned for any postings at

If you do not use Pre-Authorized Remittance, please consider sending your weekly donations by cheque or e-transfer to the church as our Stewardship continues. If you e-transfer, you must contact the office at 855-5771 or by separate email to advise of the answer to the security question if one was set up. 

And don't forget to advise the church office about your order for the sale of grocery gift cards as this is a very important fund raiser for the church.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Susan Fowler

Council Chair


© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771 | All Rights Reserved