Easter Sunday - Who Are We
Message for Sunday April 12th 2020 from Rev. Scott Stuart
My faith family,
Friends, today is Easter,
the day we celebrate the resurrection of friend and Saviour Jesus the Christ.
However, as we look around our world people remain in isolation afraid for what
the future might bring. This is not so different from the early disciples who,
after the death of Jesus, were isolated, afraid, locking themselves away from
the religious authorities unsure of what the future may bring. In a lot of ways
we are all still walking this Lenten journey. None of us knew this is where we
would be.
This is not our hope or our dream to be isolated on Easter Sunday
unsure of when all of this will end. What I would like you to consider then is
that we are a people of the cross and the resurrection which is not confined to
a date on the calendar but rather a reality we live day by day. As we continue
to live within our current crisis so akin to the struggles the early disciples
experienced it seems strange to celebrate Easter. Therefore, we will be holding
our Easter Celebrations until we can all gather again, and I don’t know about
you but that is a celebration I am sincerely looking forward too!
that you are not alone I remain here for you, our faith community remains here
for you and if you are struggling or need assistance in anyway even if that is a
casual conversation to feel connected to another human being please call, text,
e-mail or even Facebook me. I look forward to seeing you all again and what a
celebration of the resurrection that will be!
In Peace, Rev. Scott
Through the use of technology, here is a shortened Sunday service. We hope you find comfort in the message and the prayers.
PS. While you are watching the video, if you click the icon as pictured below, it will play full screen. Enjoy!
