Message for Sunday April 19th 2020 from Rev. Scott Stuart
My faith family,
As we continue to find ourselves in this quarantine state, either isolated from one another and our families, or are in the public sphere working in essential roles allowing society to continue and function; know that you are not alone. If you are seeking connection, please remember that your church community is here and happy to connect with you in a variety of ways (please find our contact information on the website).
This week our worship surrounds the theme of Love and if there is one part that I would like you to take into the week is that you are loved. You are loved more than your imaginations can possibly fathom or imagine from a time before your own birth. That love surrounds you, enfolds you and is with you as you isolate at home or are providing essential services for our community. Before Jesus ascended, we were gifted with that love and that love remains with us to this day. Embrace that love, beating in your own hearts, and share that love so that others may be brought in from the darkness they may be experiencing this day.
Your Brother in and through Jesus, Rev. Scott
Through the use of technology, here is our recorded Sunday service. We hope you find comfort in the message and the prayers.
PS. While you are watching the video, if you click the icon as pictured below, it will play full screen. Enjoy!