Message for Sunday May 3rd 2020 from Rev. Scott Stuart
My faith family,
As the weeks continue and our isolation and social distancing continues there are events that we are all missing; dinners with friends and family, celebrations of all kinds and the simple pleasure of being with one another on Sunday mornings.
Today, however, we celebrate the sixty-first anniversary of Mount Royal United Church. This was an event I had been looking forward to doing in person but being unable to do so, my family and I brainstormed together, and we hope you enjoy our offering in today’s worship service. As a faith family you all have a lot to celebrate. In the short amount of time I’ve been your minister, I’ve seen a caring and welcoming community that reaches out into the larger community and one that circles around its own who need the care and comfort of Christ. You together are the Church of Christ and, as the next year unfolds, I sincerely look forward to seeing how we engage the Gospel in our community and world.
As always, I am here. I am here if you are feeling disconnected, alone, low or simply like to carry on some casual conversation. Please do not hesitate to contact me over any medium that you find most convenient. All my contact information is on the website for your use. I would much rather you call than suffer in silence. May the Peace of Christ be with and remain with each and every one of you this day.
Rev. Scott Stuart