Virtual Voices - 23rd edition

Virtual Voices

The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church
for Friday Nov 13th 2020

Welcome to our twenty second edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.

If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to we will do our very best to put it on for you.

A quick reminder that our Sunday services our live streamed from the sanctuary  beginning at 10:30am and these can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 with music and the announcement slides before the service begins with Rev. Stuart.

The weekly bulletin will be available here.

This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.

We hope you have a very good day today.
Best Regards,
Newsletter Committee

Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler

Welcome to Virtual Voices for Friday, Nov 13th. I hope today and all week you enjoy good luck.

This week Cathy and Kim bring you the week's announcements, recorded and produced by Bill Millett. Thanks to this terrific trio and the whole newsletter team for their efforts each week.

Here are a few things to bring to your attention:
On Saturday, Mount Royal plays host to a special service of worship entitled "Celebration of Ministries". During this service, two people ordained in other denominations, who have chosen to serve in the United Church of Canada, are admitted as UCC clergy. This is a Region 14 sponsored event and due to restricted seating required because of Covid-19, attendance is by invitation only. This will be a special celebration for the two admissionands; Jean Herman and Christine Schulze. Congratulations Reverends Jean and Christine!

Many people asking how the church is doing financially. Join us next Friday as we interview our Church Treasurer, David Close and he will give an update and a few projections. We are hoping that Erik Gingles can interview David and we'll see how money really can be a laughing matter.

We are also looking forward to an interview in the next couple of weeks with Sarah Gingles and Hannah Townsend, our two 2020 Baker Family Scholarship recipients. They will tell us how their first year of post-secondary education has been going.

Rev. Stuart is off on November 15.  We welcome Rev Carol Mullin, who always brightens our day as she shares her message of hope. Thank you, Carol!

You can preregister for in person worship online by Sat at 5 PM. Click Here and look for the registration link. It is really very easy. Or you can call the office at 506 855-5771 before Friday at 1PM. Our numbers of people attending to date are quite low. The live music begins at 10:15 and the live streamed service at 10:30. If you are coming to the church, please try to arrive by 10:10, if possible.

With the first Sunday in Advent being November 29th, White Gift Sunday will be December 6th this year. As usual, we are slowly getting information about the families who could use a bit of help. We are perhaps a bit more anxious this year because of how quickly we can move from one recovery phase to another in the province and hope to complete shopping for our families while we are in yellow. If you plan to make a monetary donation, please consider doing that at this time by cheque to the church office or online through the church website on the "Ways to Give" section.  Please be sure to designate the donation for White Gifts.

We have agreed to assist two families and are awaiting details on at least two more. We do have some information on Family A. If you would like to buy for a member of this family please contact the church office.

Family A - is a Mom and Dad and a boy in kindergarten and a girl in grade 3.
Boy – Kindergarten – Pants 6X-7, Tops 7-8 Medium, Shoe size is size 1 and he is all about Spiderman.
Girls – Grade 3 – Pants are size 10-12 and tops are size 10-12.  Shoe size is 6.  She is into My Life as a Rescue Pet.
Mom is size 18 pants and XL for tops
Dad is a 38-inch waist and 2XL top.

Family B - is a Mom with two sons and we are waiting for particulars.
Thank you for your continuing support and for remembering those less fortunate.

Have a great week. Please join us on Sunday either online or in person. As always, call me if you have any questions.

Be well,

Susan Fowler
Council Chair
Mount Royal United Church

All proper hand and surface sanitation protocols were observed prior to and after the making of this video.  :-)

If you have scrolled all the way down here to the bottom, we thought you would enjoy something interesting.

© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771 | All Rights Reserved