Faces of Faith

Happy Easter Mount Royal Faith Family!

As we move into the season of Easter this year, we have chosen to follow a resource called Faces of Faith. Each week we explore a biblical character not frequently talked about but who still hold great significance for our faith.
Just who was Anna?
Why was Lydia so important in the early church?
What do Adam and Eve have to say to us today?
Along the way you are also encouraged to explore the faces of your own personal faith story. Who has, or continues to be, an important part of that story? How have they shaped your life and through you, the lives of others?
Along with this theme we are also inviting you to write the name of that person(s) which we will use in an art installation at the front of the sanctuary. At the end of the Easter season that will be our focus as we offer thanks for the many faces of faith, that have been, and continue to journey with us.

May the Peace of Christ be with each of you in this Easter time.

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info@mountroyaluc.ca | All Rights Reserved