Virtual Voices 134th Edition

Virtual Voices

The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church
for Friday March 10th 2023

Welcome to our one-hundredth and thirty-fourth edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.

If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to we will do our very best to put it on for you.

A quick reminder that our Sunday Service is live streamed from the sanctuary  beginning at 10:30 AM and can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:05 AM with music and the announcement slides before the service begins with Rev. Stuart.

The weekly bulletin will be available here.

This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.

We hope you have a very good day today.
Best Regards,
Newsletter Committee

Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler

Hi and welcome to the weekly announcements for Mount Royal United Church, Moncton, for the week beginning March 10th. It is a very full week of activities.

I nearly forgot – daylight savings time begins this weekend. Don’t forget to move your clocks forward 1 hour before you go to bed Saturday evening. The older I get, the more it truly feels like losing an hour of sleep.

To begin with the church announcements, we again welcome Rev Dr. Beverly Daley as pulpit supply. Thanks to those that reached out last week with positive comments about her service on March 5th. And nice, as always, to hear Charlie play.

On Sunday the 12th, Rev Daley’s message is entitled “Quenching Thirst”. Caroline Gingles will be the reader and the scripture lesson is from John 4: 5 – 42. The anthem this week is entitled “ As The Deer Pants for the Water “ by Jill Guy and Brenda Barnes.

And Kids Korner resumes March 12th and then again on the 26th. All young and youthful are welcome.

As we move into the balance of the week:

Monday: Tai Chi in the social hall at 9:30 AM; Pastoral Care meets at 11:30 and the Worship Committee Meeting is at 7PM- both meetings in the boardroom.

Tuesday: Craft Group at 10 AM in the kitchen, UCW at 11:30 in the boardroom, the Lenten Study group meets at 1:30 in person in the boardroom or online via Teams and Council meets at 7PM.

Wednesday: Tai Chi will be in the social hall at 9:30; Choir meets at 7 PM.

Thursday: Lunch with Friends at noon. Don’t forget to confirm your attendance by signing the sheet at the back of the sanctuary or call the office not later than 1PM on the 13th. Lunch will be scalloped potatoes and ham, tea or coffee for $7.00 and John Foster will provide Irish music for entertainment.  

Friday: It’s Tai Chi at 9:30 in the hall. And St Paddy’s Day. Happy St Patrick’s Day to all the Irish and those who just like to enjoy the special day.  

Sunday: is the Annual Meeting. The purpose is to hear the Committee reports, including financials, approve the 2023 budget, and elect the new Council for the coming year. There may be a vacancy or two to be filled. Please consider your interests and offer to help when and as possible.  

I am sorry but I will not be available for the Annual Meeting, but I encourage you all to be there and offer your comments and suggestions and share your concerns. An Annual Meeting is a very important event for the church family. There is lots of news to share about our financial picture which is a bit of a challenge just now but also about a lot of positive changes that have happened this year. We have undertaken a fairly large expense to replace much of the building lighting with LED fixtures and installed mini splits to provide more efficient heating and cooling in the offices and boardroom. Some of the costs will be offset by grants we have qualified for under the Faithful Footprints and Energie NB Power efficiency programs. With rising energy costs, we felt that we should take measures to reduce our consumption and do this while grant money was available. Unfortunately, our operating expenses are up. Come to the Annual Meeting to hear all the details.

The meeting will begin during worship and take place in the sanctuary. Please attend in person if you are able but otherwise, plan to join online and follow the service and meeting. Afterwards there will be a chilli/soup contest. For a free will offering you’ll want to try a delicious warm lunch!  

Here’s a bit of advance warning about Earth Hour 2023. Can you darken your home or location for 1 hour (between 8:30 and 9:30 PM your local time on March 25th and give an hour for Earth? Join the international community to celebrate creation and do something good for the planet where we live, work, and exist. Maybe it will be a clear night and you can sneak away for star gazing.

Remember each session of the Lenten Study can be a stand alone so you are welcome to join for any or all of the remaining gatherings. These happen Tuesday afternoons at 1:30, beginning again on the 14th.

We have a few birthday celebrations this week. Best wishes to Donna Beers on the 15th, Joe Avery, Katie Dempsey, and to Jennifer and Debbie Maund on the 17th.

In April you can take part in a two-part learning series, via Zoom, entitled “Turning Ourselves Inside Out: Late COVID Reflections on Thriving Churches”. The dates are April 17th and 24th at 8:00 PM. For more information, contact Marlene MacLeod, Emily in the office or me and we will direct you to where details can be found or look at the weekly announcements on the Fundy St Lawrence Dawning Waters website.  

Also on the Regional website, you can find information about the United Church’s support of the idea of a Guaranteed Livable Income.  

Again, we’ll keep reminding you of the importance of taking part in a half day session to discuss the Visioning Committee recommendations, another important day for our Community of Faith. The date will be confirmed after Council meets on Tuesday, March 14th.

Thanks for your ongoing support. As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Stay well.

Susan Fowler
Council Chair
Mount Royal United Church, Moncton

© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771 | All Rights Reserved